JOURNEY to Successful Living

JOURNEY to Successful Living (JOURNEY) is Hamilton County’s System of Care transformation program to strengthen services and supports for transitioned-aged youth and young adults with serious mental health challenges in their transition to adult services and self-sufficiency.  The core values are: Youth-driven, Family-guided, Individualized, Community-based, Evidence-based, and Culturally and Linguistically competent.

JOURNEY provides a network of providers that have implemented the following evidence-based interventions to address the unique needs of transitioned-aged youth, young Adults, and their families.

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Intensive Services: Intensive Services is equivalent to ACT–lite (Assertive Community Treatment) and is a community-based, multi-disciplinary approach that provides treatment, rehabilitation, and support services to persons with severe and persistent mental illness. In this approach, clients are managed by a multi-disciplinary team, providing services directly to an individual that are tailored to meet his or her specific needs.  Team members collaborate to deliver integrated services to individuals in their “natural living” settings instead of hospitals and clinics.
Services offered by the Intensive team include:
  • Specialized therapies and promising practices
  • Non-traditional/informal supports
  • Integrated health care
  • Independent living skill development
  • Vocation/employment services
  • Educational services and support
Lighthouse Youth Services
Admission Criteria
Transition-age youth and young adults, age 14 to 22, residents of Hamilton County, with serious mental health challenges and multi-system needs.
Transitions to Independence Program (TIP), including TIP/IDDT 
Transition to Independence Program (TIP) is an evidence-based practice model that is operationalized through seven guidelines and associated core practices that drive the activities with transition-age youth and young adults and provide the framework for the program and community system to support these functions.
Services for this population includes traditional Ohio MHAS certified services plus specialized therapies and promising practices, non-traditional/informal support, integrated health care, housing and independent living skill development, vocational and/or employment services, educational services and supports, integrated dual diagnosis treatment (mental health and substance abuse), and other relevant services to meet the needs of those being served.  Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT) practices are fully integrated as part of the overall team structure.
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (Ages 14-22)
Admission Criteria
Transition-age youth and young adults, age 14 to 22, residents of Hamilton County, with serious mental health challenges and multi-system needs.
Transition to Independence Program (JTIP) JTIP provides intensive community-based case management services to young persons who are entering into adulthood and suffering from mental illness. The program provides services that extend case management between the child and adult mental health systems. Services provided include CPST, TBS, Diagnostic Assessment, Therapy, and Medication Somatic services. Using the Transition to Independence Process model, services specifically focus on those issues faced by transition age youth and their preparation for independence and adulthood.   The Transition to Independence program is a community-based program designed to help youth and young adults ages 14-22 transition into adulthood. Services are provided in the home, school, and/or community settings. 
NewPath Child & Family Solutions
Admission Criteria
Transition-age youth and young adults, age 14 to 22, residents of Hamilton County, with serious mental health challenges and multi-system needs.
JOURNEY'S Eligibility/Admission Criteria
Youth or young adult is 14 -22 years of age, and a Hamilton County resident.
Youth or young adult must be involved or at risk for involvement in two or more of the following systems: mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, juvenile/adult criminal justice, developmental disabilities, education (has an IEP or 504 plan, or has documented functional challenges in school settings), vocational/employment (supported).
Youth is unable to function in the family, school or community, in a combination of these settings; or, the level of functioning is such that the youth requires multi-agency intervention.
Youth has a diagnosis of serious emotional disturbance (14-17 years of age) or young adult has a serious mental disorder (18-21 years of age), under DSM-IV or subsequent revisions.
Youth’s disability has existed for at least one (1) year or, on the basis of diagnosis, severity or multi-agency intervention, is expected to last more than one (1) year.
JOURNEY'S Referral Procedure
For program information and referral- contact one of the following agencies-
  • Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Serivces at 513-354-5200
  • Lighthouse youth and Family Serivces at 513-221-3350
  • New Path Child and Family Solutions at 513-741-3100
  • For additional information contact Central Connection at 513-558-8888 (24/7)